We live in a culture where quite nearly everything is sexualized and over-sexualized. Sex is normal where we live. And not good sex as God created it to be in marriage – but every perverted form of that outside of marriage. All of that is normal. But to be normal is to join the masses […]
The Gospel for Failures
If there is one thing that I’m good at, it’s failing. And I am quite sure that I am not alone in this skill. The entire human race specializes in failing. Everything from the most minuscule detail, to really important things we continually drop the ball on. For some it seems we can never get […]
Of Divine Providence
The end of paragraph 5 in chapter 5, “Of Divine Providence”, in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, ends with the following sentence: “So that whatsoever befalls any of his elect by his appointment, for his glory and their good.” There are fewer sentences with as much power and comfort as this. The providence of […]
Comfort for the Sad
This one is for the sad. This is for those who don’t smile much. This is for the lonely, or those who feel alone. This is for those for whom crying is a daily occurrence. This is for the sorrowful and the weary. This is for those who are broken and know it; and see […]
Of Creation
Of Creation “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” + Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning it pleased God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for the manifestation of the glory of his eternal power, wisdom and goodness, to create or make the world, and all things therein, whether visible or invisible, in […]