Jesus is not tame, boring, or white. The Jesus of the Scriptures is uniquely fascinating. In a peculiar way, Matthew 21v18-22 stirs my affections for Jesus. In this text, Jesus acts rather outrageously – in a good way. It makes me think, “man, I love this guy.” Here’s the text: “In the morning, as he […]
Why You Should Consider Romans 8v1 For Your Favorite Bible Verse
“There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” + Romans 8v1, ESV It is nearly impossible for me to genuinely pick a “favorite” verse in the Bible. When I’m asked that question, I have a tendency to list about twenty different verses and three whole chapters. However, if my back […]
Book Review: The Incarnation of God
In the Incarnation of God, authors, John C. Clark and Marcus Peter Johnson offer us a masterpiece theological work on the doctrine of the Incarnation. Much of modern evangelicalism has drifted from historical orthodox Christianity; some in major ways and others more nuanced. The incarnation is one of those areas much of modern evangelicalism has […]
Jesus the Judge
The book of Judges is a provocative and puzzling book of the Bible. Containing numerous stories of Israel’s repeated rebellion and redemption it can leave you scratching your head as you read the final verse of the book: “In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own […]
Book Review: Onward by Russell Moore
“The Bible Belt is teetering toward collapse, and I say let it fall.” You cannot even escape the introduction to Russell Moore’s, Onward without hearing canon blasts of gospel truth. This book takes on the nature of the gospel in the sense that the gospel is both offensive and life giving. Onward is chalked full of gospel proclamations while […]