You’re sitting in a room full of people listening to a talk. A talk being given by your pastor. It’s a talk you’ve heard time and time again. And yet, this time it feels different. This time, it’s hitting a deeper place.
This time it’s actually communicating to you — communicating to your needs, to where you’re at. A light illuminates in your soul and where you’ve fumbled around for answers, now light has brought attention to that which you’ve been seeking.
That, gentlemen, was my moment at church one night.
Over the last few months I have been struggling with purpose. My purpose. Not just the struggle of finding my purpose but fighting to maintain it when so much around me wants to steal it or reshape it.
I had been trying to figure out: how do I walk out what my purpose is while making it all about Christ.
I’m the type of guy that believes that God wants us to be successful. He wants us to be successful in life, in areas of passion, in the context of our careers and our home life and all that comes along with living.
And then someone, somewhere along the way says, “the only thing that matters is Christ and what you do for him.”
But how do you square that with the desires and the dreams that he gives you…those things that reside in the crevices of our heart? Isn’t what I am doing all for God anyway? That is what I’ve set out to do. That is what I profess. That is what I center myself around.
I told you, I have been struggling.
I’ve been reading Primal by Mark Batterson along with my church. And that night, that night I spoke about at the start of this post, that night my pastor preached on loving and living for God with all of our strength. And I realized it all comes down to this:
Simply put, we’ve got to be great at the Great Commandment. Anything less isn’t good enough. Or should I say, great enough. We must not succeed at the wrong thing. We must not invest our earthly lives in things that have no heavenly value. We must not be great at things that do not matter. We have to be great at what matters most. And what matters most is loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Compassion, wonder, curiosity, and energy are nouns. It’s our job to turn them into verbs. It is our highest calling and greatest privilege. – Mark Batterson
You see, everything flows out of that love for Christ. The fruit of that love is what my purpose is. Compassion. Wonder. Curiosity. Energy.