He Offers The Best, Even If We Don’t Realize It

Picture of Jhon Michael Andales
Jhon Michael Andales

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:10 – Jesus and the woman of Samaria)

God always offers us the things that we would rather have if we were to know what He knows. God always offers the best to us.

In this scripture, the woman that He was talking with didn’t know Him as the Christ. If we could know that it is God offering us something, would we accept it? Would we have the faith to truly believe that it is the best for us?

Often, we question God’s ability to understand what we are experiencing. We forget that He is an omniscient and omnipresent God.

God wants the best for us. It’s just that we are hardwired because of sin to want our own timetable and selfish desires.

If we could know what He knows, we would definitely choose to accept what he offers. But, we don’t.

We cannot really comprehend God, but that’s the essence of faith.

To be in faith while believing and obeying the will of the Lord is what we want to do. Because, in Him, even when we don’t know what’s ahead of us, we can know that He knows and it is good for us. He’s already there. He has already overcome. He is there and waiting for us.

We should put our trust on the path that He lays before us. We should see every call of His voice to us as a sign of guidance to the best of our interests. He knows it all. We know nothing.


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