Each first Saturday of the month we host a virtual, roundtable discussion with some of the guys from our blog, and we call these #HoldFastChats! We always seek to be encouraging and practical as we pose a topic and relative questions, and overall answer:
“What truths do we as guys need to “hold fast” to in regards to this topic and how would you practically encourage guys to do so?”
For full details, check out Announcing Hold Fast Chats.
This Month’s Topic: Relationships (With An Emphasis On The Romantic, Of Course)
Before the Christmas season was over, you noticed the bright pink hearts in stores. Yep, several stores were already promoting Valentine’s Day back in December! And now it’s even more saturated. So naturally, with love being in the air, we thought this would be a good month to talk all things relationships with a focus on the romantic, dating, and a bit of marriage!
So on the first Saturday of the month, February 6th, a few of our contributors are sitting down to have a conversation and to answer your questions on dating, marriage, sex, boundaries, lessons we’ve learned, and more!
Grab your best cup of coffee, have your questions ready, and let’s discuss relationships!
You can leave questions and feedback in the comments below (we’ll keep an eye on them even as we’re chatting).
You can also invite your friends or shoot us a tweet during the chat by hitting this: [su_button url=”https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?screen_name=themajestysmen” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#00bfd6″ size=”2″ icon=”icon: twitter” title=”Tweet @TheMajestysMen For Support”]@TheMajestysMen #HoldFastChats[/su_button]
Tune In For The Livestream, Or Catch The Replay, Here: