RI 38: The Danger of Sunday Worship From Home

Picture of Lance Burroughs
Lance Burroughs
Picture of TJ Daugherty
TJ Daugherty
Reformed Informants
Reformed Informants
RI 38: The Danger of Sunday Worship From Home

The Informants deal with the dangers of preferring online church over gathering with the body of Christ in person. Join us as we demonstrate from Scripture and church history that we as believers must meet in person on the Lord’s day. 

Picture of Lance Burroughs

Lance Burroughs

Lance currently lives in Ft. Worth, Texas. He served for more than a decade teaching Bible courses including Old and New Testament Survey, The Life of Christ, and Systematic Theology at Liberty Christian School in Argyle, Texas. He currently works at Countryside Bible Church and will begin pursuing a Masters of Divinity from The Master’s Seminary this fall. Lance and his lovely wife, Lynsay, have a son named Jason. | Twitter |

Picture of TJ Daugherty

TJ Daugherty

TJ is originally from Owensboro, Kentucky and currently lives in Fort Worth, Texas, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Economics from the University of Kentucky. He received a Masters of Divinity from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. TJ serves as the Senior Pastor of Central Baptist Church in Paris, Kentucky. He and his lovely wife, Chloe, have a little girl named Blakely. | Twitter | Instagram |

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