Discern Daily
Ep. 22 – What Happened to Convincing One Another?
In order to move forward together, we need to create a healthier environment for dialogue. We shouldn’t retreat to those who agree with us and shame those who disagree. We should seek to convince and persuade everyone. Blake Long composed a new article on his blog — Theology & Life — titled, “The New Intolerance,” where he explains how the Left is redefining intolerance and how Christians ought to respond.
Quotes From Blake Long
“The big ideological elephant in the room is that the word intolerance has been, as a whole, redefined by the Left. They have taken that word and redefined it as acceptance or approval. If you don’t approve—no, even celebrate!—their views, then you are an intolerant bigot.”
Read Blake’s full article here.
Episode Highlights
What happened to convincing one another to believe what we believe? When did it become a bad thing to think for ourselves and want to persuade others in the truth?
Miley Cyrus recently provided a great example how to fail at convincing others when she licked a cake that included the words, “Abortion is Healthcare.”
How hard should we try selling truth to others? How far should we go in trying to convince others what to believe?
Shaming others into accepting new beliefs is not the way God leads us to communicate. Acts 17:1-9 is one relevant passage that reveals the Apostle Paul reasoning with non-believers.
We must learn how to ask better questions, and we need to give others better feedback about what’s not very convincing to us.
Share Your Thoughts
What are your thoughts on the matter? Have you seen the Left try to redefine intolerance, as Blake proposes in his article? How hard should we strive to reason with others from the Scriptures? Share this episode and leave your thoughts in the comments below.