Discern Daily
Ep. 18 – Are All Public Schools Bad?
The trajectory of the public school system has many Christians worried. It seems homeschooling is the best option for many families that want to train up their children to follow Christ. On this episode, we are taking a look at an article, titled, “Burn All the Schools,” by Douglas Wilson. This topic is certainly worth discussing. Let’s seek the truth together.
Quotes From Douglas Wilson
“H.L. Mencken once suggested a shrewd educational reform that has somehow not caught on. He said that there was nothing wrong with our current education establishment that could not be fixed by burning all the schools, and hanging all the teachers. Now some might want to dismiss this as an extreme measure, but visionaries are often dismissed in their own day.”
“Millions of evangelicals still have their children in the government school system. Get them out now. Having Christian children in the government school system is what theologians of another era would have called sinnity-sin-sin.”
“In order for all Christians to get their kids out of the maw of this government school system, what would it take precisely?”
“What it would take in 2018 is a very different question than what it will take twenty years from now, in 2038… Things that pass without comment today would have caused riots forty years ago. And that which would cause riots today is what you are prepping your great-grandchildren to eventually put up with, provided they learn your evasions.”
“Government schools are institutions controlled by the fatherless, staffed by the fatherless, with curriculum written by the fatherless, and attended by evangelical children who are functionally fatherless.”
View Douglas Wilson’s full article on his site here.
Episode Highlights
Whether or not Christians should place their children in the public school system is certainly worth debating. How should we view all public schools today, and what should we do with them?
Children are being molded by the school systems they’re in. Children are moldable, and they need molded by trustworthy leaders. Parents should be the primary molders and teachers.
Some parents have to work. Homeschooling is not an option for every family. What should these families do about troubling public school systems since they cannot homeschool?
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
Let’s Seek The Truth
What are your convictions on the matter? What kind of changes are you seeing in the public schools in your neighborhood? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Share this episode on your social media. Let’s seek the truth together.