Have You Seen!? We’re On Instagram!

Picture of The Majesty's Men Admin
The Majesty's Men Admin

We’ve considered this for a long time – as in, a couple years! Many-a-man has suggested it.

Well friends, we’re happy to announce, the time has finally come!

You can now go follow Instagram.com/TheMajestysMen and find us @TheMajestysMen, so please do!

Here is a sampling from our first week, and a bit of what you can expect in the future:

In less than a week our following has shot up into the multiple hundreds and we’re excited to keep delivering solid truth and wisdom in a land filled with nonsense and wishy washy theology and advice.

Besides that awesome quotes and scriptures, Instagram is great for adding in a longer thought in the caption for encouragement, challenges and truth! It’s quite fun.

What Can You Do To Help!?

  • The good news for us as a community is that we are also seeing traffic come back to our site from this already. So keep writing more great content and we’ll keep growing the reach and spreading the good news that is Jesus through your words, media and discussions!
  • You can also help by following, of course, and then pressing Like (double tap!) on the images so that your friends see them!
  • There’s also some fancy little apps that you can use on your phone to “Re-gram” the photos to your own stream and tag @TheMajestysMen!
  • If you have any awesome photos, we’d love to use them. Send them to contact [at] themajestysmen.com and we’ll tag you in them!

Lastly, for our Contributors, if you’d like to use any of these photos in your posts, they’ll be uploaded into the Media on the backend. Feel free!

Spread the word, and we’ll keep quoting dead guys!



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