Click HERE for sermon audio Introduction This lecture was originally supposed to be about Columbus AND Cortez, but it turned into one lecture about Columbus, so we’ll get the specifics of Cortez next time. So this may seem a bit scattered brained and that’s because it is, but I hope it is helpful to you. […]
The Crusades
Click HERE for sermon audio Introduction The history of the crusades is long and messy spanning over a century. Cases can be made on all sides for the rightness or wrongness of them, for indeed they were filled with good motives and bad, with good actors and bad actors, with pious men and with carnal […]
Celtic Christianity
Click HERE for sermon audio Ireland: Magical Land on the Edge of the World The history of Ireland is the story of an island on the edge of the world. The story of its people is filled with adventure, magic, legend, myth, giants, saints, scholars, poets, and incredible feats of bravery and courage. The fascination […]
Saint Patrick
Click HERE for sermon audio The Legend of Patrick Patrick is described as the man “who found Ireland all heathen and left it all Christian.” This description hints at the legend that was Saint Patrick. Like Ireland itself, Patrick is a character of mystery and legend whose story will not die. Yet, what can we […]
Athanasius of Alexandria
Click HERE for sermon audio Introduction Athanasius was born in the last decade of the 3rd century and died in 373AD. There are some legends around his childhood and where he came from, but the truth is that little to nothing can truly be known about his birth and childhood. One thing that is pretty […]