Trying to navigate the difficult dynamics of needing money for more full-time ministry life yet not wanting to be a burden so that nothing will stand in hindrance of the gospel message is nothing new. Yet American primarily struggles in only one direction here, and it needs to change if we’re going to address society boldly and move forward righteously.
Truth should always hold the power, only then can we have justice
It is not in-compassionate to demand evidence beyond reasonable doubt. It is however in-compassionate and wrong to decry and destroy a person’s reputation and life because of wanting to seemingly show empathy to those who have been hurt. It reveals we are not feeling empathy and compassion, we are feeling pride and prejudice.
I Aim To Help Lead A Church That Gives As Much As It Spends On Itself
I appreciate America, but our churches could sure be a little less “American” in their spending. It sounds noble for individuals to say they’re going to increase giving each year, but it’s extremely unlikely, mathematically, that it’s a wise plan. However, churches could much more easily fulfill the financial equivalent of “love your neighbor as yourself”. It’d change everything!
Convictions, Social Media Bickering, And 3 Ways To Do Better
I have dealt with more convictional insecurities in the last year than I can remember dealing with in any previous part of my life. I know that in part this questioning of my beliefs and questioning of my abilities to speak and act on these beliefs have been the wounds of my involvement in a […]
Nothing Goes As Planned… And That’s Okay
It’s been a minute. Well, 525,600 minutes — give or take a few. (Do you have that song stuck in your head now?) Being a writer is a funny thing. One is free to call themselves a writer whether they have any skill in the craft or not. One can even call himself a writer […]
Meandering Around In My Thoughts – Feb 2017
Reflections and contemplations on my current path and place in work and life and what I’m learning on and in these pursuits and positions.
Where I Plan To Create Content In 2017 And Why
I just wrote out this post about my plan for producing content this year on my “personessional” site and blog at It very much affects and relates to this blog and my personal development, so it just seemed fitting to also share it here. It’s a long one, and written mainly just for myself as […]
Faith And Works In The Christian Life (And My Diagrams To Explain Them)
My speaking slides and helpful diagrams I designed to understand the interplay of faith and works in the Christian life.
The discouraging, damaging lie of “working out a muscle” of “spiritual discipline”
I’m not looking to pick a fight, but I will fight on this if I must. I believe the ideology, and more aptly put, theology, of needing to “work out a muscle” of a so-called “spiritual discipline” is a very destructive thing to believe or to teach people. What do I mean by this?
What does it mean to “work out your salvation”?
When Paul told his spiritual children that made up the Philippian church to continue to obey (Phil 2:12), with the added charge to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…”, he was speaking from a plane of spiritual understanding most of us don’t operate in. I cannot pretend to understand fully what this […]