It is not in-compassionate to demand evidence beyond reasonable doubt. It is however in-compassionate and wrong to decry and destroy a person’s reputation and life because of wanting to seemingly show empathy to those who have been hurt. It reveals we are not feeling empathy and compassion, we are feeling pride and prejudice.
I Aim To Help Lead A Church That Gives As Much As It Spends On Itself
I appreciate America, but our churches could sure be a little less “American” in their spending. It sounds noble for individuals to say they’re going to increase giving each year, but it’s extremely unlikely, mathematically, that it’s a wise plan. However, churches could much more easily fulfill the financial equivalent of “love your neighbor as yourself”. It’d change everything!
Ridiculous facades and online “ministry”, plus better metrics
This weekend I fell down a rabbit hole by accident and this Monday morning I feel like I’m climbing back out as I begin my week… and I’m disgusted by it.
The only hero anyone ever needs
Our culture loves to champion it’s heroes and heroic stories. Yet, what defines a hero? Is a hero the man who dies while saving people from a burning building? Or the person who dies while blowing up a building filled with ordinary people? Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) explained, ‘Whoe’er excels in what we prize, appears a hero […]
Does this make me look like I’m trying too hard?
If you’re not careful, exactly what you’re trying your hardest to gain is what you’ll lost the most of.
I could write a book on that
Is it humble to play smaller than we are in an area so that others don’t feel as big in an area?