"Many people go to church, not to learn the truths of God's Word, but to get an emotional high." - John MacArthur Sadly Church over time has become soft and flabby here in the UK and across Europe when it comes to God's word, it has exchanged the truth and tough teachings of Scripture for a worldly lie that exchanges knowledge for emotions, no ... Continue Reading
Holy Spirit
Acts29 Europe Conference
Church Planting with a Purpose The Gospel when centralised and grasped in a persons life can be infectious and a surefire way of hardening peoples hearts or melting hearts. The puritans believed that the same sun that melts the ice hardens the clay. Not everyone will accept Jesus Christ as Lord, but If you don't model, preach, teach or disciple ... Continue Reading
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21 ,"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." These were the words of Rollie the gent I met today at the old people's home. He said these words with all seriousness and passion. A guy in his late 90's and still as hardcore as the day he came to a personal faith in Jesus Christ. His assurance and ... Continue Reading
Our Country is in desperate need of Heroes who embody integrity.
Our Country is in desperate need of Heroes who embody integrity. All around us leaders in different jobs, cultures and families are dropping like flies. Examples such as sexual sin of some degree or greed over power or money or an abuse of power. Integrity is lacking. WHAT IS INTEGRITY? The biblical understanding of integrity points to a ... Continue Reading
How An Economic Understanding of the Church Has Undermined Discipleship
THIS BLOG IS WRITTEN BY PASTOR DERWIN L. GRAY, NOT GERALD WHITE How An Economic Understanding of the Church Has Undermined Discipleship I was marinating on Darrell L. Gruder’s book, “Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the American Church,” I came across this fascinating insight that corresponds with one of the reasons why I ... Continue Reading
Is God your slot machine?
Is God your slot machine? If he is then we really don't even have the faintest understanding of how amazing, preeminant, almighty, powerful and loving God is. When you pray, how do you pray? Do you give up a prayer token and wait and see what happens? I've caught myself praying such prayers in the past like: "Lord I pray that I get this job or ... Continue Reading
Just missed the bus, God must be punishing me for my sin.. Say what now?!?!
SIN Let me just say if you have this mentality that when something goes bad its God punishing you for your sin, you need to rebuke that thought because it most definitely is not from God; and that when you get a pay rise its because you've read your bible every morning, this mentality of God is false. Being a follower of Christ does ... Continue Reading
The Gospel compels us to action
Moved to Change The Gospel always seeks a "response" from a person, either a hardening of heart, an apathy towards it, or people run to it and apply it; but only one way brings life in all its fullness. Theres no room for half- hearted, lukewarm or i'll apply it tomorrow people. Sounds harsh but thats the Gospel, its tough to chew on, to digest, ... Continue Reading