INDULGENCES Saw this and was appalled These are a way by which punishment for sin is reduced through a person's own sufferings. An indulgence removes the time needed to be spent in purgatory. It has become a loose doctrine to some Roman catholics ... Continue Reading
Is God your slot machine?
Is God your slot machine? If he is then we really don't even have the faintest understanding of how amazing, preeminant, almighty, powerful and loving God is. When you pray, how do you pray? Do you give up a prayer token and wait and see what happens? I've caught myself praying such prayers in the past like: "Lord I pray that I get this job or ... Continue Reading
Just missed the bus, God must be punishing me for my sin.. Say what now?!?!
SIN Let me just say if you have this mentality that when something goes bad its God punishing you for your sin, you need to rebuke that thought because it most definitely is not from God; and that when you get a pay rise its because you've read your bible every morning, this mentality of God is false. Being a follower of Christ does ... Continue Reading
Does that sunset look broken to you?
Last year my wife and I went on our annual summer holiday to Portugal, the food was fresh and healthy, the sunsets were incredible and the sea was great for surfing but freezing. As I've been pondering on that visit i've been asking myself when God finally makes all things new as he promises throughout the scriptures, what will things look like? ... Continue Reading
Everyone goes to Heaven… Really?
Universalists & People Pleasers, are they right? What i find quite incredible is "some" (i must put emphasis on some) people in the Church say everyone will go to heaven and say this to unbelievers, i have witnessed this in the last 2 months and i find that really sad, genuinely. 1. Firstly i can't see that when you read the bible, study it ... Continue Reading
Holy Spirit, myth or fact?
Holy Spirit, myth or fact? Is the Holy Spirit real? I can now imagine loads of people shouting yes he is, foaming at the mouth, having a tantrum on the floor as they say it in protest at such an outrageous question. Yes of course i agree with you, before you think im talking a load of "heretical jibber jabba". I believe in the power and work of ... Continue Reading