Holy Spirit, myth or fact?
Is the Holy Spirit real? I can now imagine loads of people shouting yes he is, foaming at the mouth, having a tantrum on the floor as they say it in protest at such an outrageous question. Yes of course i agree with you, before you think im talking a load of “heretical jibber jabba”. I believe in the power and work of God’s Holy Spirit.
The book of Acts shows us quite clearly that God the Holy Spirit was left for us, that we would receive power and be God’s witnesses throughout the world reflecting his glory (Acts1:8).
The reason i ask is he real is why don’t we “all” believe that whole heartedly? Peter and John believed in the Holy Spirits power and allowed him to guide them and work through them. Just look at Acts 3:1-10, Peter and John were walking to the temple when a crippled man from birth asks them for some dosh, they say “Hey look at us” to get his full attention. They explain they have no dosh but what they have they will give him. So they then say in the name of Jesus of Nazareth get up and walk, and they guy gets up. Remember he has never walked in his life, “crippled from birth”. Because of his healing he leaps and dances about and rushes to the temple telling everyone and worshiping God.
In this example we see Peter and John weren’t embarrassed of “what if this doesn’t work, how will this glorify us”. Instead they knew the power of the Holy Spirit, took great courage and obediently gave him what they had.
Why then is it so hard for a lot of us to pray for people in the street, go up to someone and strike a conversation and ask them if they would like prayer or what Jesus has done in your life? Do we put ourselves and pride before almighty God?? Believe me, i struggle with this because of my own pride and sin, but if we are to fully be used by the power of God’s Holy Spirit then i think we need to chill out a bit and just be available for him to work in us.
Being embarrassed of God is like running away from the little kitten (fear of man) up to the mighty lion and slapping it in the face (God). Its so silly, seriously just think about it. Would you rather the insults and abuse from man or the wrath of God. I’ll take the insults from man any day.
Everyone came from around the country to see Jesus’ miracles and his teachings to go to that source of power and life changing influence. We now are so privileged because ever since the day of Pentecost we can all access that power as the Holy Spirit lives within all who believe and follow Jesus.
Maybe today you can ask God for an opportunity that through your obedience he may be glorified.
2 Corinthians 3 “Now the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
I hope this blog post has been an encouragement to you. Blessings
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