Ministry isn't all Sunshine & Rainbows Ministry is not for the glory hunters, the proud, or a place where you can set yourself on a pedestal. There are much easier ways to do that and Church leadership isn't that way. If you have been called to Church leadership, think carefully as to wether it is from God or if it is from your own heart ... Continue Reading
5 ways to kill repentance
The previous post was on repentance, well I thought it was only right we go through some things it is not (because I have done some myself). 1. Confessional repentance As mentioned in the previous post, repentance is a 180 degree turn away from sin. Confession acknowledges it but does nothing about it, without a repentance of the sin ... Continue Reading
Good leaders and Bible teachers should do 5 things
Just a short one today as I've been reflecting on my own leadership and what I should continuously display for Gods glory! Good leaders and Bible teachers should do 5 things (there may be more, but these are 5 points I see); 1 They have CHARACTER; this means they are God fearing, they love people and have integrity and fortitude of ... Continue Reading
Can the real “Church” please stand up?
Can the real "Church" please stand up? Over history layers of centuries have gotten in the way of a direct experience of being God's people, we have lost our identity and purpose. As the Church we need to regularly cut back to the original. Being reminded regularly of who we are and what our purpose is brings us back to the mission of God ... Continue Reading
Live a life that reflects Christ
When we read in Romans 1:16 and see that Paul says he is "not ashamed of the Gospel", do we automatically agree that we too are not ashamed or embarrassed? I must confess that my heart says "I am not ashamed" but my actions sometimes don't reflect that. Last week I was preparing a sermon on Romans 1:14-16. During the day I was reminded of this ... Continue Reading
Is God your slot machine?
Is God your slot machine? If he is then we really don't even have the faintest understanding of how amazing, preeminant, almighty, powerful and loving God is. When you pray, how do you pray? Do you give up a prayer token and wait and see what happens? I've caught myself praying such prayers in the past like: "Lord I pray that I get this job or ... Continue Reading
Everyone goes to Heaven… Really?
Universalists & People Pleasers, are they right? What i find quite incredible is "some" (i must put emphasis on some) people in the Church say everyone will go to heaven and say this to unbelievers, i have witnessed this in the last 2 months and i find that really sad, genuinely. 1. Firstly i can't see that when you read the bible, study it ... Continue Reading
The Gospel compels us to action
Moved to Change The Gospel always seeks a "response" from a person, either a hardening of heart, an apathy towards it, or people run to it and apply it; but only one way brings life in all its fullness. Theres no room for half- hearted, lukewarm or i'll apply it tomorrow people. Sounds harsh but thats the Gospel, its tough to chew on, to digest, ... Continue Reading