“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you’re not saved yourself, be sure of that!”
― C.H.Spurgeon
Some short Saturday thoughts.
Many of the social media posts that I see on Facebook and Twitter from ‘millennials’ today have nothing to say on the excellencies of Christ. Nothing to say of their salvation, nothing to say of His grace, nothing to say of their affections for a loving Christ. Only a few from young pastors and seasoned saints that proclaim Him, and for them I am thankful.
Todays Uk millennials have no clear understanding of the gospel, if they did then they would proclaim Christ! Don’t get me wrong, there is a resurgence of Christians seeking to make Christ the pillar of their life and make Him known. However in understanding the gospel you understand your need and your saviour and then your desire to proclaim Christ to sinful man. If your neighbour without Christ dies tomorrow and is going to hell, then where is the urgency to cultivate relationship and share the gospel with that neighbour? How about the relationships made at the barbers, gyms, coffee shops, social media and parks, where is our witness?
Are we really that content that the gospel remains hidden, this gift of grace kept to ourselves, have we no wish for others to be saved, or are we just a club of do gooders?
I have noticed that ‘millennials’ are all for activism, and social justice, but where is the gospel shout? After all the greatest demographic we are seeking to reach are sinners, the greatest need then, is for the sinful heart to hear the gospel of grace and call Jesus Lord and Master.
How are you sharing the good news of the gospel, that has so graciously impacted your heart, to those without around you?
May the public forum of social media be one of many ways for you to intentionally and unashamedly share the gospel to those around you.
Let’s be clear though, if you are not sharing this gospel of grace, then are you truly caring, are you truly saved, do you truly know the gospel?
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