"As Bonhoeffer says, marriage is more than your love for each other. Vastly more. Its meaning is infinitely great. I say that with care. The meaning of marriage is the display of the covenant-keeping love between Christ and his people” (p. 15 of This Momentary Marriage by John Piper) . ********************SHARING MY ... Continue Reading
Book Review: ‘Growing Up’ by Robby Gallaty
“I’ve come to realise that when people don’t know what to do, they don’t do anything” - Robby Gallaty Robby is the Senior Pastor of Brainerd Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist church located in the Belvoir community of Chattanooga, TN. In Growing Up Robby shares vulnerably his rocky past of drug addiction and shares how Jesus used this and ... Continue Reading
The Gospel Plant
"The heart of the gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. They who preach this truth preach the gospel" - Charles Haddon Spurgeon What is the Gospel? The gospel is God's reconciling work in Christ, that through His life death and resurrection, God is making all things new for those who ... Continue Reading
Best Bible Commentaries
Ever wondered what the most reliable and useful Bible commentaries are? Do you preach, teach, lead Bible study groups or enjoy studying God's word? Bellow are my top 10 Commentaries in no particular order. 1. Word Biblical Commentary 2. Pillar New Testament Commentary 3. Tyndale Commentary Series 4. NIV Application Commentary ... Continue Reading
Book review: ‘Limitless Life’ by Derwin L. Gray
Back in 2013 myself and some others had the honour of helping Pastor Derwin promote his new book entitled Limitless Life. A book born out of an incredible personal story of the labels Derwin had received, and the new labels he found Christ had tattooed onto his heart. This change caused him to re think his purpose, calling and focus in life. ... Continue Reading
Free Christian Resources & Books
Just started in ministry, a seasoned campaigner or looking to disciple and equip others? The sources below have greatly helped myself, and I hope they can be for you as well. Wether it's books your after, sermon guides or discipleship material, the links below will provide useful information for you and those around you. 1. ... Continue Reading
The wrong wells
What well's are you drinking from? John 4 is the famous passage of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well. When Jesus offered her water that was long lasting and more refreshing then the water at this particular well (Jacobs well); the lady had a few questions for him. Are you too good, are you greater than our father Jacob who's well it is? ... Continue Reading
Acts29 Europe Conference
Church Planting with a Purpose The Gospel when centralised and grasped in a persons life can be infectious and a surefire way of hardening peoples hearts or melting hearts. The puritans believed that the same sun that melts the ice hardens the clay. Not everyone will accept Jesus Christ as Lord, but If you don't model, preach, teach or disciple ... Continue Reading
Ministry isn’t all Sunshine & Rainbows
Ministry isn't all Sunshine & Rainbows Ministry is not for the glory hunters, the proud, or a place where you can set yourself on a pedestal. There are much easier ways to do that and Church leadership isn't that way. If you have been called to Church leadership, think carefully as to wether it is from God or if it is from your own heart ... Continue Reading
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21 ,"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." These were the words of Rollie the gent I met today at the old people's home. He said these words with all seriousness and passion. A guy in his late 90's and still as hardcore as the day he came to a personal faith in Jesus Christ. His assurance and ... Continue Reading