“The heart of the gospel is redemption, and the essence of redemption is the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ. They who preach this truth preach the gospel” – Charles Haddon Spurgeon
What is the Gospel?
The gospel is God’s reconciling work in Christ, that through His life death and resurrection, God is making all things new for those who repent and believe and on a cosmic scale of culture and creation. God provides salvation to all who believe through the sanctifying work of Christ. Christ lived a perfect life we couldn’t and received a punishment we should have, in turn reconciling; making a way back to him for those who believe.
No ordinary news
This news above is no ordinary news, it is Good News, but only Good news for the one who through faith believes. It’s Good News because of the one who gives it to us. God can be trusted, he is consistent, unchanging. He came into the world from his position of royalty to meet us where we are at, to serve us, to make a way back for us to be in relationship with Him. He died and came back from the dead defeating sin, death and Satan. Sin is no longer your identity if you are in Christ, if you have accepted and put your trust in Him.
This news is relevant, cultural, timely and true for everyone. It never gets old, nor does it need to be changed or added to. It is offensive because it creates a change of direction, we are sinners that need a saviour, not everyone likes to be told that but it is a message of hope to those who listen. It causes us to turn from our old way of living to living a life out of the Gospel. Acknowledging we need Christ is the first step, repenting and turning from sin, from our old way of living is the next, then as ambassadors of Christ we tell others about this Good News that saves, that leads to sanctification and perfection in Christ and a lasting hope.
If you believe in Christ then God no longer sees your sin, He sees you as perfect, blameless and spotless. He sees you as a son, as a daughter. Today, see your life and identity in light of the cross, let that hope of the Gospel be tattooed onto your soul.
1 Corinthians 15
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved….. that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures…..
We are here because of the Gospel. It is the Gospel of Christ that saves us, the Gospel of Christ that sanctifies us, it’s His grace that ushers us into salvation and His grace that sustains us through it. Grace is freely given to you because of Jesus. Live it, breath it, share it, be consumed by it, for it is good news; the only news that gives hope and salvation to all who believe.
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