“Hello world!” Seems like a fitting start, right? That’s not just how blogs start; that’s how life starts… and nothing changes.
I said “Hello world!” once in the late 80s as a small, slimy, squirming, screaming blob of baby. Intelligent tissue with God’s breath in me; though still not intelligent enough to make that breath into anything more than sirens. That’s how I said, “Hello world!”, and it all began.
It’s funny how not much has really changed.
See, even then as the screaming baby blob I already knew my creator (albeit an obviously limited way) and he knew me as thoroughly as ever. Already I was fiercely dependent on my creator as well as the people and the environment around me. As we grow up into somewhat better functioning, older, baby blobs we tend to think those realities change, but actually, they don’t.
As we grow up into somewhat better functioning, older, baby blobs we tend to think those realities change, but actually, they don’t.
In fact, if we don’t realize that nothing has actually changed, maybe our perceived intelligence is worse off than the small, squirming baby blob version.
Maybe the only slight change is that we just have more sophisticated sirens. We’re more capable of both disguising and justifying our screams for satisfaction. Now we also have the greatest disguise of all, familiarity, and that means we most often don’t recognize our own sirens.
So I’m just saying “Hello world!” Every day still saying, “Hello world!”, while I scream in many ways about many things…
While I scream in many ways about many things… For my soul to be satisfied.
- For my creator to supply me with all I need.
- For my body to function correctly in my environment.
- For those around me to love me.
- For my mind to understand more.
- For my self to feel value.
- For my soul to be satisfied.
“Hello world!” That’s where it all begins for all of us. Seeking satisfaction. That’s where it all remains for all of us. Still seeking satisfaction.
Nothing changes because it’s the way we’re made to function from start to finish.
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