I have found that with most people, and this includes myself, that when we say “goals” what we really mean is “desires”. When we say something to the effect of, “Yea it’s a goal of ours this year to [fill in the blank]…” but we have no measurable outcome that I know of which we’ve […]
Fit for noble purposes
When you’re actually fit for noble purposes, you care less that you’re seen as such.
“They didn’t pick me” – Not getting the job and moving on in contentment
God is good and we don’t get to understand much more than that…
On connecting meaning in our stories for our community
We are part of the best story there is. So how do we cast a compelling vision for our community and connect with the people – even those who don’t believe as we do – in a way that excites them, assures them we care, and connects our story to theirs in a way that shows them the depth of meaning THE story can bring to their lives!?
Stephen Covey on vision and beginning with the end in mind
If your ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step you take gets you to the wrong place faster. ― Stephen Covey
On associating with the anxiety too many feel
Sometimes my least favorite part about the process I feel I’m going through is learning to associate with the anxiety that small all business owners go through. It’s ridiculous. It sucks. It’s stupid! Yet it’s too often normal… Plus, it affects everything… if we let it…
Does this make me look like I’m trying too hard?
If you’re not careful, exactly what you’re trying your hardest to gain is what you’ll lost the most of.
I could write a book on that
Is it humble to play smaller than we are in an area so that others don’t feel as big in an area?
Jonathan Edwards on purpose of life
“God’s purpose for my life is that I have a passion for God’s glory and that I have a passion for my joy in that glory, and that these two are one passion.” ― Jonathan Edwards
It’s a journey I suppose…
God takes undeserving people on unexplainable journeys, and I think I’ve come up with a name for this process.