If we are what we believe we are as Christians—intrinsically intertwined physical and spiritual beings—then we must deal with what emotions are as well: spiritual and physical interworkings (and often, problems).
A few of the most vital topics currently being largely ignored by church leaders
This morning I woke up to do some writing for different blogs and purposes but couldn’t shake a few thoughts. When something is lingering like this, I tend to suppose it needs dealt with, and so, in my case, I need to write it down if I’m to move forward. I was and am feeling burdened and frustrated about […]
I need a better way to speak of “work as ministry”
A week ago I attended a conference for ministry-minded folks with a desire for reaching college students. At one point I found myself sitting next to a young man of African American ancestry, who was obviously very intelligent, in his last year of school, and was considering joining staff with the collegiate ministry he was […]
Ridiculous facades and online “ministry”, plus better metrics
This weekend I fell down a rabbit hole by accident and this Monday morning I feel like I’m climbing back out as I begin my week… and I’m disgusted by it.
Timothy Keller on the difference between ministry and marketplace work and what the gospel does to both
First, if religious works were crucial to achieving a good standing with God, then there would always be a fundamental difference between those in church ministry and everyone else. But if religious work did absolutely nothing to earn favor with God, it could no longer be seen as superior to other forms of labor. The gospel […]
On defined desires versus goals
I have found that with most people, and this includes myself, that when we say “goals” what we really mean is “desires”. When we say something to the effect of, “Yea it’s a goal of ours this year to [fill in the blank]…” but we have no measurable outcome that I know of which we’ve […]
Fit for noble purposes
When you’re actually fit for noble purposes, you care less that you’re seen as such.
On the concept of “team debt”
The concepts of “technical debt” and “team debt” are terms that the church and para-church need to borrow and learn from – asap.
“They didn’t pick me” – Not getting the job and moving on in contentment
God is good and we don’t get to understand much more than that…
The only hero anyone ever needs
Our culture loves to champion it’s heroes and heroic stories. Yet, what defines a hero? Is a hero the man who dies while saving people from a burning building? Or the person who dies while blowing up a building filled with ordinary people? Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) explained, ‘Whoe’er excels in what we prize, appears a hero […]