Can the real “Church” please stand up?
Over history layers of centuries have gotten in the way of a direct experience of being God’s people, we have lost our identity and purpose. As the Church we need to regularly cut back to the original. Being reminded regularly of who we are and what our purpose is brings us back to the mission of God and our role in fulfilling it. Religious living and works has gotten in the way of a gospel living, breathing and active church. This isn’t true for everyone, but is something I have witnessed more and more of in the modern day church. We are the bride of Christ, HIS ambassadors.
Somewhere along the line this has been watered down, the great commandment has become secondary and cosy hobbit like living has become normality. Where has the bold, risk taking, God glorifying Church gone? Again I must say that there are Churches around the world that do take risk, do have correct priorities and do glorify God in their example etc.
How should we as the Church act and behave?
- Acts 2:42 reminds us that “believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching”. Devotion is such a key word, it describes a serious commitment. The teachings of scripture should be lived out studied and applied.
- Secondly v42 talks about “fellowship”. If we fellowship with God then we will naturally fellowship with each other, love one another, share, care, encourage and challenge. People will see community living and fellowship amongst us.
- Thirdly “they devoted themselves to the breaking of bread” a thanksgiving, a remembrance of what Jesus has done for us and a reminder of our unity together in Christ as a family.
- Fourthly “they devoted themselves to prayer” the early Church devoted themselves to prayer. They acknowledged the importance of prayer so much so that they planned for it and were disciplined about it. They also expected God to answer their sincere prayers ( see Acts 12:5) . Although God is sovereign and responds as he wishes, he loves his people and will answer them, and the early Church knew that. Do we?
- Lastly “they met in the temple courts and homes” the early Church met in a building and in their homes, our equivalent would be the Church building and our homes for a home group or cell group meeting. They often met up.
They were DEVOTED to all of these things. As members of the Church what would people say about you? Are we as devoted as we should be, have we lost the seriousness of our role as the Church? I ask myself the same question and fall short, BUT I hope this challenges you and encourages you as it has done for me. Be bold Church, live out the Great Commandment and the Great Commission, take risks, love, care and support one another.
Bless you.
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