Some insightful social commentary, compliments of Merlyn the magician and his peculiar backsight, circa 900 A. D.
“‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity . . .’ Began the badger.
’Liberty, Brutality and Obscenity,’ rejoined the magician promptly. ’You should try living in some of the revolutions which use that slogan. First they proclaim it: then they announce that the aristos must be liquidated , on high moral grounds, in order to purge the party or to prune the commune or to make the world safe for democracy; and then they rape and murder everybody they can lay their hands on, more in sorrow than in anger, or crucify them, or torture them in ways which I do not care to mention. You should have tried the Spanish Civil War. Yes, that is the equality of man. Slaughter anybody who is better than you are, and then we shall be equal soon enough. All equally dead.’”
(The Book of Merlyn, T. H. White, page 67)
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