“Bury the truth – when that message gets out, it will be the end. Kill them!”
After watching the recent Insurgent film as part of the Divergent series I thought this wasn’t a half decent action movie with a bit of romance in there too to even it out. However the line that came out of the baddy’s mouth above hit me between the eyes, “Bury the truth – when that message gets out, it will be the end. Kill them!”
I won’t ruin the film for you but this quote made me sit upright and I wrote it down. The thing is this quote is nothing new, this baddy in the film knew what was true yet said “bury it, keep this message quiet, if this message gets out then it will be the end. Kill them!” 2,000 years ago humanity and the devil tried to keep the truth buried, but Jesus Christ rose from the grave shattering the preconceptions of His followers, family, the devil, and people of the time, the only one to rise from the grave, the God man Jesus Christ, the king of kings; and this good news of His life, death & resurrection for sinners has spread across the globe, giving life to those rebels who once deserved death.
This is the news people have died for to share, this is the news people put before their own interests, this is the news that will keep spreading like a zombie apocalypse (you’ve seen the ‘walking dead right?’). It can’t be stopped, death didn’t keep Him and that my friends is good news indeed.
Check out Acts 4:16-17
“What shall we do with these men? For that a notable sign has been performed through them is evident to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it. 17 But in order that it may spread no further among the people, let us warn them to speak no more to anyone in this name.”
The name of Jesus, the God that brings life to the walking dead is denied. You see there is nothing in us that could possibly want to choose Jesus Christ even when faced with the truth. Left to our own devices we would choose the desires of our heart every time. The desire of her (the baddy) heart was to trust in her own ability to save herself, her own ability to rule and be the queen of her life, no need for the radical truth to impact her life. However there is only one king and He does not share a title with any of His creatures, yet if we acknowledge the title belongs to Jesus Christ and we have rebelled against that king, that creator, that preeminant, sovereign, supreme ruler then He will show grace.
This Easter do you wish the truth to remain hidden and remain the king/queen for a limited time or will you explore the eyewitness accounts of Jesus in the Bible and see the truth of Jesus Christ’s life, death and resurrection for rebells and just maybe He will have mercy and hit your heart with a truth bomb that will change your life for eternity? Jesus Christ offers you living water, whereas the promises of life will become like ash in your mouth.
1 Peter 1:3 says;
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead…
Easter is about the good news of Jesus Christ; good news that will continue to spread like an unrelenting wave.
God bless.
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