What well’s are you drinking from?
John 4 is the famous passage of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well. When Jesus offered her water that was long lasting and more refreshing then the water at this particular well (Jacobs well); the lady had a few questions for him. Are you too good, are you greater than our father Jacob who’s well it is? They drank from it, and all that Israel was built upon drank from this well. Are you better than this??
What Jesus was saying in this moment was that this well would never work long term, it would help for a moment then she would need to come back again and again. The analogy he was sharing was basic, the well she drank from would never quench her thirst for long, his will would satisfy forever and ever.
Just like years past, if you today are drinking from the wrong wells seeking fulfilment like money, comfort, relationship, sex, respect and success etc, it becomes a serious problem, of supply and demand. You will consistently go back for more dipping your bucket into whatever well gives you the greatest short term gain and sense of fulfilment. Its a consistent lie that our Western culture adopts and drinks from.
My well used to be the opinion of others, seeking their approval and acceptance. My Christian faith made this incredibly hard, because the GOSPEL MESSAGE we carry is unpopular, but i can now say I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL for it is the SALVATION to everyone who believers. The only well that brings life is a life rooted and centralised around the gospel of Jesus Christ, thats what quenched my thirst to the point of overflowing, these earthly things are incomparable compared to the hope we have in Christ.
Bless you in your day
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