Ministry isn’t all Sunshine & Rainbows
Ministry is not for the glory hunters, the proud, or a place where you can set yourself on a pedestal. There are much easier ways to do that and Church leadership isn’t that way. If you have been called to Church leadership, think carefully as to wether it is from God or if it is from your own heart and desires.
This last week again has affirmed for me this view that future ministry will be tough, although of course it will be enjoyable as well. Unsociable hours, people to care for, teaching and preaching with a purpose, managing teams, all eyes on you to lead, rejection from those that may not agree. These are just some of the pressures and battles we will come across.
Be encourage that the one who has called you has been there done it and got the t-shirt, every hardship you will go through and experience, he knows. What I have learnt through my little experience thus far, is that in all things we must press into Christ, remember who has called you, because when the tough times come, and they will, it is this knowledge that will get you through.
So future leader or current leader, as God said to Joshua (Joshua 1:1-9), BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS.
You know why God said it three times? Because Joshua needed to hear it, he was afraid, his mentor and leader Moses had died and he had a people group to lead that were unsettled.
So today whatever hardship or difficulty you are facing, BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS… I say again… BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS.. and again… BE BOLD AND COURAGEOUS… Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Amen!
Bless you where ever you are serving.
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