God’s kindness and mercy should lead us to repentance, it should not be something we take for granted or abuse.
Romans 2:4 says;
“Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?”
Repentance brings change, maturity, productivity and rightfully turns the focus back towards Christ.
At the start of the New Year we think of new fitness programs ( I know I am), new diets, new goals, new years resolutions, maybe a new bible in a year plan. What if instead of new years resolutions we started NEW LIFE resolutions, things we intend to do by the Grace of God until the day we die. Repentance is one key thing we are instructed to do, just look at John the Baptist. It was the first thing he preached and taught about, REPENT, for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand > Matthew 3:2. Some people think that repentance is all about feelings, especially feeling sorry for your sin. It is good to feel sorry about your sin and that we have sinned against God, BUT repentance isn’t a feelings word. It is an action and doing word for us to do daily, even at this very moment God could be laying something on your heart to repent about. John told his listeners to make a change of the mind and heart, to turn from that sin completely, not merely to feel sorry for what they had done. Repentance speaks of a change of direction.
John the Baptist eventually got his head chopped off for preaching repentance. Jesus Christ was beaten beyond recognition, stripped nearly naked and nailed to a wooden cross for preaching repentance. From the beginning of the Bible to the end of the Bible it calls us to repent. All who have spoken it, preached it and taught it have come against opposition. Opposition for giving the glory back to God.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon said;
O sinner, each gift of goodness draws you to Jesus! Forbearance causes humble repentance to Jesus! Long-suffering waits and woos you to Jesus! Will you not turn from sin and return to your God, or “do you presume on the riches of his kindness?”
We serve an amazingly gracious kind, loving, caring, preeminent, ever faithful, all knowing God. Who sent his son Jesus to live a life that we couldn’t and die a death that we should have. So this New Year lets start some NEW LIFE resolutions “lets rid ourselves of the unmusical music and adopt some that does the soul and the heart good and which is pleasing to the Lord.” – J I Packer. Lets turn from sin and keep the focus on Jesus.
Hope this has been a helpful post for you today. Be encouraged and be Blessed.
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