Years ago, I read the book "Raising a Modern Day Knight". It was a goofy 90's book about raising sons and giving them rites of passage. I recommend the book because it get you thinking about being intentional with raising children. When Ransom was born (And Valor 3 years later) I really pressed into what it means to be a man and what it means to ... Continue Reading
feMENine Corinth
1 Cor. 11, the wildly popular chapter on head coverings, has confused Christians down through the centuries. Just open up a few commentaries and read. Is Paul talking about literal head coverings, a woman's hair, or the husband as the head? Can a man have long hair and a woman short hair, or is that only cultural? Is there a truth beneath the truth ... Continue Reading
My Mentor Gregg
Last week I wrote about my friend Jeff. Today I want to tell you about Gregg. He has been a mentor of mind for about 5 years now. I used to be a campus pastor of a multi-site church and Gregg was the Executive Pastor. Here are a few things I have learned from my sage. Retirement does not mean retirement. Gregg retired from formal ministry ... Continue Reading
Men and Ambition
"Hey men. Ambition belongs in the home first. Don't reserve all your ambition for "Out there." That was one of my recent tweets. It was for me. I needed to hear it and I needed to see it written out. Why is it so easy for me to come home and leave ambition at the door? I have a tendency to believe home is a place to simply ... Continue Reading
The Agelessness of Ageism
Qoheleth revealed wisdom when he declared "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun." Ecc 1:9. The modern entrepreneur frowns in disbelief. As did every entrepreneur from generations before;) Truly there is nothing new. We see a clear picture of this truth in 1 Tim. 4 and 1 ... Continue Reading
The Joy of Aging
When I was in college, I laughed more than I do today. You know what I mean right? Remember hanging around a fire with your buddies? Laughter filled the air night after night. If you were bored, all you needed was to hang with some friends and do something crazy. You laughed. I laughed. So much that I was blinded to the shallowness of my life. ... Continue Reading