PloughField Press is a blog created by PloughField proprietor Derek Ball. That’s me. I’m a Christian man who sees the unfortunate decline of culture, and modern evangelicalism along with it. The relative sway of these two twin towers, Big Eva (the Christian culture machine) and Culture, are the two problems that caused me to pursue a written course of action. The two problems–the twin towers swaying, and the fact that I can refer to them as “twin”–have caused me no small feeling of burden for my family, friends, and church fellowship. My desire is to be a faithful man–making known the gospel, and its implications for life–not a careful man; we don’t need any more of those. It’s all good and well to live peaceably with all men, but only so far as you’re able. “Woe to you when all men speak well of you,” as they spoke of false prophets (Luke 6:26). The call of the faithful man is to speak truth in the public square, lest righteousness and justice stand at a distance (Isaiah 59:14). The call of the righteous man is to speak the truth of God, as God has made it known to us, to the point that reckless men speak all kinds of evil against him, as they did the prophets (Matthew 5:11-12). But much more than this, the ultimate goal is to see all things in submission to the King of kings and Lord of lords–Jesus Christ. The only King worthy of a throne–may He rule until all enemies are as a footstool for His feet. May He rule til the last enemy is defeated, til death is no more.
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