When we read in Romans 1:16 and see that Paul says he is “not ashamed of the Gospel”, do we automatically agree that we too are not ashamed or embarrassed?
I must confess that my heart says “I am not ashamed” but my actions sometimes don’t reflect that.
Last week I was preparing a sermon on Romans 1:14-16. During the day I was reminded of this homeless chap I had seen begging outside our local food shop. The Holy Spirit prompted me to share the Gospel with him. So at 5pm I walked up the road praying about the conversation I would have with this man. On my way I saw other people and felt God saying I should share the gospel with them, I ignored him and focused on the homeless man.
As I approached I noticed the man was not there; confused, I walked in and bought some milk. On my exit, frustrated and unhappy I asked the Lord why he wasn’t there, I mean why prompt me to share with him if he isn’t there? Instantly the Holy Spirit convicted me and said,
“If your going to preach about not being ashamed of the gospel and won’t share with the people I lead you to, then I don’t want you preaching”
The message was that I had set the Gospel to my target audience to a select person, in doing so limited where the Gospel is heard and reached. When Paul shared the Gospel he was not ashamed and did not share it with a select people group, rather he shared it with everyone.
This Gospel “Good News” is that there is this infinite, all mighty, all-knowing powerful creator God. Who created all things for His glory and you and I have belittled that, belittled His name, and belittled his glory. Every one of us have at one time or another believed that our way is better, that our way is safer, that our way is more enjoyable, than God’s. At times we fail to acknowledge him, giving Him glory for the gifts He’s given us, we question His rule, His reign, His supremacy and authority, with the brain He himself has created and holds together within us. With the lungs and the air he gave us to breath and use.
This is the great sin of the universe that we thought we knew best and rebelled. So we’ve all sinned, and God being just right and Holy is not going to allow the belittlement of his name; after all he created us. God not being able to spare wrath, sends Christ into the world as a substitute for our sin pouring out His wrath that was meant for our sin, our mistake, our offence onto Jesus, killing him. Then God raises Him from the dead 3 days later and that same power that raised Christ from the dead is now at work in those who believe.
This is the Gospel, this is the Good news. That you and I have a right standing before God, not by our works, efforts, deeds or skills. We have been justified by God before the cross of Christ.
We can’t limit this to those we feel comfortable around, educated around, held in high regard or lo regard. Its for all cultures, all classes, all colours, all abilities, all ages. Its for human kind.
The question is what will you do with this Good News, will you keep it for yourself, or will you glorify God and celebrate who he is by sharing it?
Be bold and courageous and with confidence like Paul don’t be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone that believes.
I hope this blog post has been an encouragement to you. Blessings.
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