Back in 2013 myself and some others had the honour of helping Pastor Derwin promote his new book entitled Limitless Life. A book born out of an incredible personal story of the labels Derwin had received, and the new labels he found Christ had tattooed onto his heart. This change caused him to re think his purpose, calling and focus in life. From this he encourages the reader to discard old identities and receive new ones in Christ. Derwin went from professional American football player to Gospel hitting lead pastor of Transformation Church, a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, mission-shaped community sold out for Jesus.
Derwin’s focus in the book is being transformed from the destructive labels we can receive like afraid, addict, orphan, damaged goods, failure, unloved or rejected; to the soul-tattoos that Jesus gives us such as loved, accepted, redeemed, rescued, righteous, Son/Daughter. Derwin looks into the faithless, fearful, and proud hearts of God’s people and calls them to know real impacting, life changing truth that can only come from the Father. I found the book refreshing and encouraging; the words used prompted me to think of the labels and thoughts that can so easily entangle me when I take my focus and identity away from the Gospel.
Derwin totally believes that God can transform lives and so his book is written from the perspective that through God’s power it can happen. His faith is infectious and bold and I commend him for the bold faith steps he has taken.
There are very few things I would change about Limitless Life because Derwin has done a very good job, but the significant area I would mention is the particular focus on freedom and debilitating limits instead of an emphasis on repentance and the need to battle the lure to sin. From the books perspective it could seem that the identities given are projected onto us from others, leaving us feeling like a victim, instead of taking responsibility for our own sin and acceptance of other labels that Christ does not want us to have. However grace is a clear message within the books pages. I would also add that every book out there has a focus and Derwin’s focus on freedom in Christ from bad labels is a strong message of hope.
I resonate with Derwin’s passionate celebration of Jesus’s power to save. Having accepted the label of rejection until the age of 24 I know where his heart and passion is coming from. Jesus is a preeminent Saviour who can and will radically transform lives. He can turn rejection into acceptance, bondage into freedom, darkness into light and fear into courage.
Derwin is a courageous man of the faith who I have had the privilege to learn from, wether it be Google chats, tweets or other social media outlets. Look out for other future book releases from Derwin.
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