Just a short one today as I’ve been reflecting on my own leadership and what I should continuously display for Gods glory!
Good leaders and Bible teachers should do 5 things (there may be more, but these are 5 points I see);
1 They have CHARACTER; this means they are God fearing, they love people and have integrity and fortitude of Character. They are not phased by hardship but press on towards the goal. Nelson Mandela said that tough times break men, or make men.
2 They have CLARITY; people will know what you are talking about. They will be NOURISHED, by good biblical content. This means you may not be liked but you will be biblically clear, you will promote vision and mission.
3 They are CONSISTENT; We must walk consistently with GOD to have an effective impact. This means having a long obedience in the same direction. The key to our leadership is CONSISTENCY in Christ.
4 They are COURAGEOUS; It take courage to turn from sin and iniquity. It takes courage to live for the RIGHT thing (JESUS)!!! Be courageous for the good of GOD and for the good of OTHERS.
5 They point to CHRIST: Every good leader and bible teacher points to Christ. Scripture is for us BUT not about us, its about Jesus. Make HIS glory and fame known and model Christlikeness to those around you!
In your leadership leave a legacy that reflect Christ. Amen!!
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