If someone came to me 2 years ago and asked me “What happened at that church you grew up at?” I would answer that question in a far different way than I would now. So lets imagine you or someone else was to ask me that now. What would I say?
The church started in 1979. My parents told me that the first meeting ever held was on John A Logan’s campus. That first gathering had been advertised in a local newspaper as a new church plant. I am guessing the founding pastor thought only a handful of people would show up. But something else happened! 150ish people were in attendance. Now I have been around church planting for a while now and please believe me when I say “That does not happen”. It was a small sign of what was to come. From there, things just got crazier.
I was born in 1983 and my parents had already been a part of the church for a few years. They were among hundreds of young adults who had flocked to this new “reject” Baptist church. The building was a pole barn with open ceilings, a basketball goal on the wall and a tractor parked in the corner. People kept coming, people kept meeting Jesus. They were singing praise songs and even raising their hands during worship. Person after person was experiencing God in powerful and biblical ways.
This church is were I met most of my lifetime friends. God not only did a work in the lives of my parents and their friends but He did a powerful work in my life as well. I am forever thankful. It’s awesome to look back and see that God did things there that today we think He can’t do. God brought people together from different communities in Southern Illinois who’s kids did not go to the same schools, who’s paths rarely passed, from different denominational backgrounds, and he made them family. To this day you (Former same church members as me) out there know that those bonds that God created will never break.
I now look back with fondness with God did. But I have noticed something about myself and other former members. We have healed from certain hurts that happened to us but we think we will never again experience such wonderful church life. I plead with you to consider a few things.
First, the awesome stuff that God did during those years was in spite of the leadership and the membership and not because of the leaders and members. This is the case with every great move of God and every local church. We are so quick to think that God does special works because of us and not because of His free grace. So God can do what He did again. Do not walk in fear of your current leadership, trust the Lord and give yourself to the leaders God has given you.
Second, have a better memory. Remember past your time at that church all the way back to 2000 years ago. It is the Gospel of Jesus that produced revival and its the Gospel of Jesus that is our foundation for expecting wonderful church life again. Many of the core people of the church for so many of those years are now in their 50’s and 60’s. Some of you seem to have conceded that you will never experience true church life again. Sure you are healed now, but you think “The best is behind us”. You have a lot of life still left to live. Stop reminiscing on those good old days and revel in the great history the Gospel of Jesus. Give yourself fully to your local church, pray, and watch God work. For those of you that are my age, the kids of all those 50’s and 60’s, the same goes for us. Forget the what-ifs and move forward.
Third, that church is still a local church. I know very little about what is going on there and I do not know any of the leaders. But I am praying for them. I am praying that the Gospel of Jesus substitutionary life, death, and resurrection on behalf of sinners, will blow them up afresh and anew. I am also thankful that it is not what God did at that church for 20 years or so that makes us family, it is the finished work of Jesus that does that. So brothers and sisters our there. I love you and am praying for you and whatever church you are currently a part of. To God be the Glory.
From your blood bought brother, Jared
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