When I was in college, I laughed more than I do today. You know what I mean right? Remember hanging around a fire with your buddies? Laughter filled the air night after night. If you were bored, all you needed was to hang with some friends and do something crazy. You laughed. I laughed. So much that I was blinded to the shallowness of my life. Temporary things seemed like eternal things. What I now know to be unimportant, then seemed to be important. I did not enjoy. No, no. I was too busy laughing. College was boring compared to life at 32!
God has given me “depth” of life with every passing year. I don’t laugh as often as I did in High School, but when I do it comes from and a place much greater satisfaction. One good laugh with my wife Jordan carries with it about 10 times more joy than laughing about the loudness of a friend’s fart:) Playing in a tiny blow up pool with my Jordan and my son Ransom brings a joy and a slowness of life that a billion dollars could not buy. Mowing my yard and having to stop and cry because of the thickness of the Glory of God: beautiful! Seeing a metaphor in a sunset is greater than a two second glance. Embracing and enjoying the everyday extraordinary of the mundane is far better than the imaginary life of the epic. Growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus as the Holy Spirit helps me to stop trusting in my growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus is far better than living to impress God by my quiet time.
So I love getting older. Pain and difficulty await. Tears and heartache are sure to come. But, by God’s grace, with the years God has left for me, I expect greater depth and happiness. How bout you? Are you enjoying life with God and others or are you too busy laughing at stupid things?
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