This is not an endorsement of all John Eldredge books, but this is worth sharing. From his book Beautiful Outlaw pg 96
Commenting on Matt 22:15-22 When the Pharisees try to trap Jesus with a question about taxes.
“He (Jesus) will not be baited into the traps of the religious; he will not be sidelined as a member of “this group” or “that position.” Guilt by association is an easy trump card in public life. If you can label your opponent as Right Wing or Liberal, Fundamentalist or Charismatic, you don’t even have to argue your case. Your fellow partisans will dismiss the culprit with righteous indignation. Branding someone prevents them from ever being able to prove they are innocent, state their case. It’s a cheap and effective ploy that’s been around a long time, a particular favorite of the religious. Tar and feather ’em. Jesus won’t be tricked into it.” pg 96
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