“Can that faith save him?” (James 2:14) James asks a revealing question. Good questions have a remarkable way leading to good answers. James was defining the difference between true faith and false faith. “That faith” is only so-called faith, because it was void of motivation for good works. True faith, includes within itself, the motive that guarantees good works. According to James, two things were being called faith, but only one was the real deal.
Jesus little brother Jude, had to deal with similar controversy. Jude observed a group of so-called grace preachers who loooved a false version of grace. These men were propagating a false grace as if it was the real thing! Much of what they said sounded right, which made it difficult to pinpoint what was off. One word, “Grace”, but two versions. Jude took the time to listen, observe, and respond.
Jude saw what other believers missed. Just because someone uses the word “grace” doesn’t mean they are preaching the real thing. He is going see-through “That grace.” He observed men who had the audaciously inverted grace it into the means of sinful self-gratification! They “Pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.” (Jude 4)
So-called grace preachers are still around today. They say just enough things that are good and true to suck Christians in by the thousands. Many of these “grace” preachers aren’t using grace as a means for sensuality, but there is something still very off. I want to help you distinguish between true and false grace preaching but looking at one central component.
False grace preaching really wants you to know “WHO YOU ARE in christ.” This one line and emphasis is so important in our day. When someone preaches this version of grace the focal point of the teaching is about WHO YOU ARE! I have heard it so many times “You just need to know WHO YOU ARE in christ.”
That grace is no grace at all. There are some preachers who have the audacity to invert the grace of God into the means of discovering self-greatness. “God saw what no one else sees! Your greatness! So he sent Jesus to come and get you!” That is not grace!
For those who know true grace, there is more excitement about being “In Christ” than there is about “who we are.” Real grace leads people to discovery after discovery of the glories of Christ! Real grace makes us so grateful to God for loving sinners. Real grace directs awe away from ourselves and onto Christ! Real grace leads us to give glory to God alone!
This one simple example will help you differentiate between true grace and so-called grace. A grace that turns inward is no grace at all.
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