Sneak peek into the sermon from this coming Sunday.
Ecc 1:14 “I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and a striving after the wind.”
Think of all of the good and wonderful things that any of us as humans can do. I can take my wife on a trip and enjoy each other and a wonderful city. We can grill a steak while watching an incredible sunset. We can work hard with our hands and create cool things. We can hike up a mountain and look out over earth and be in awe. We can volunteer at a soup kitchen or work for Red Cross. And the list could keep going in fact keep your own list going on in your mind. Yet, the above passage from the bible says that everything under the sun is vanity and striving after the wind. You are bound to get tired, board, and unsatisfied with all things temporary (under the sun). Its like we need something or better yet Someone to split open the skies and open up to us eternal things. Its like we need a savior who will come rescue us from our silly demands on temporary things to fill eternal longings. Wait…….
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