John 4:46-5:18
“The Radical Freedom of Jesus”
Intro: Jesus Claims to Be God
- If I go to another country I have to bring a passport and drivers license.
- DMV 45 forms of identification.
- If you don’t have that authorizing ID you wont be believed.
- Jesus gives us more that just claims. He authenticated those claims!
- We will look at 2 authenticating miracles this morning.
Vs 18: Where We End Up Today
- Jesus was “Breaking man made rules” for the Sabbath
- Jesus was making himself equal with God.
Vs 46-54: The Officials Son
- vs 47 A desperate father. His son at the point of death.
- He will do anything.
- Asks Jesus to heal his son.
- Jesus Response?
- You won’t believe unless you see signs and wonders.
- Hu?
- The Official believes Jesus “Would heal his son”.
- Jesus did!
- The Official then believes “In Jesus”.
- The Sign brought the Official to believe in the Son!
- Oh the Joy!
- If the boy did not get sick he would not have been healed and the home would not have believed.
Vs 1-9: Jesus Heals One
- Multitudes of blind, lame, paralyzed.
- Sheep Gate Pool of Bethesda
- Where is verse 4? Angel/Waters stirred?
- Some mythical healing waters.
- One Man 38 yrs.
- “Do you want to be healed?”
- Mythology
- Get up! Walk!
Let’s Talk Healing and Faith for a Sec.
Matthew 9
- vs 2: “Their Faith”
- Intersessory prayer/faith.
- vs 6: That you may know I have authority. Rise and walk.
- vs 21: She believed Jesus “Would” heal her. Not just that he is able.
- vs 28: Do you believe that I am able? Jesus calls this faith.
- Matthew 26:39 “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
- Faith is a gift given, not a false hope to be mustered up.
Back to the One Man
- Jesus is radically free.
- Faith not even mentioned.
- The man did not even come to Jesus.
- Jesus healed only 1.
- For the believer, all will be healed. The question is when. For some of you Jesus may walk through our church and say “today I will give you a glimpse of what is one day fully coming.” Everyone Jesus heals on earth today will die an earthly death. Jesus healing and resurrection however, show us that eternal glorified bodies are coming.
- We have seen greater miracles than these this year in our church. Really. 12 People have passed from death to life
- When do we see the stuff???? Jesus is telling us “When someone’s sins are forgiven that is the stuff!”
Vs 9-17: The Sad State of the Religious
- Instead of celebrating with the man. They call him out.
- They condemn this man because he is breaking their man made rules.
- Jesus did not break his Father’s rules. He broke the religious peoples made up rules. They hated him for it.
- Jesus had not time for Religious Non-Sense
- Jesus found the man and warns him “There is something worse that your last 38 years.”
- Jesus gives him law. “Sin no more”? Hu….. Crap!!!
- Jesus gives commands we can’t keep, to drive us to himself.
- If Jesus would not conform to what they wanted they they will seek to kill him.
3 Types of People
- Well if Jesus would just do this today I would believe. He is! 12 Baptisms.
- Luke 16:27-31 If you won’t receive this word about Jesus then nothing will convince you.
- Religious people. You love your form of made up religion that looks like Christianity. But its not. You would judge Jesus and tell him what he should and shouldn’t do.
- Worshipers. People who believe in Jesus and worship him for who he is.
Will a Miracle Happen Today?
Will you reject this Jesus. He has authenticated himself. This really happened. Jesus really did do these things.
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