John 20:30-31″That you may Believe”
Intro: The Gospel of John
DA Carson Quote
Written 70-100AD
John’s Books
John son of Zeb was an Apostle, Friend, Elder in Ephesus. Irenaeus Eusubious
Evangelistic and Theological
Part 1: 1-12 Part 2: 12-21
John speaks of Experiential Christianity
Jesus is God. Jesus is man. He is the only Jesus we have
What is the purpose of the book?
John 20:30-31
Vs 30: Jesus did many signs leading up to THE sign.
Signs do what? Point… Show us someone
The signs are not the point, they point to the POINT!
Jesus did many signs that we don’t know about.
Vs 31: But These are Written
Intentionality of the signs recorded in John.
1-12 Supernatural Miracles/ Supernatural Doctrine Signs
13-21 All devoted to Passion Week and Resurrection
Vs 31: That You (Jew & Greek) May Believe. Belief=Mission
That “You” may believe. John concerned with whoever.
To believe, is then to be on Mission.
John the Evangelist
This book is Gospel Tract.
Do you want people to meet Jesus?
Matt 28: 18-20 “And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Vs 31: Believing in Jesus gets you Life!
Here and now life! All who believe get life. All!
Already/Not Yet
Enjoy Jesus and life now!
John On Belief? 100 Times
Natural/ Supernatural
1. Scary Examples of False Belief
Jn 2:23-25
Believed in his name. (We would say they are saved)
Jesus did not entrust himself to them.
False/Natural Belief
Jn 8:31-59 Jesus Picks a Fight
Vs 31 To those who believe in him. Natural Belief
Vs 42-44 You father is the devil.
Vs 59 Those who believed in Jesus try to stone him.
2. True Belief is Supernatural Belief
Jn 1:9-13
True belief is not from us.
True belief is of God.
Jn 6:60-66
You can religiously follow Jesus and not believe.
Vs 60,61,64,66 “Disciples”
True belief is supernatural belief. “Granted by the Father”
Vs 66 They hate that they can’t save themselves!
Jn 6:67-69 I Desire True Faith. “The Sign:Jesus Life Death Resurrection”
True Faith walks with Jesus.
Jesus words don’t run those with true faith off. They love the Jesus of the bible.
True faith knows that Jesus words are of eternal life.
True faith believes in Jesus not in our faith in Jesus.
This book is written that you may believe in Jesus and have life in His name
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