John 6:16-71
“Jesus’ Hard Words of Life”
Intro: The Bible Shatters Our Boxes
- Jn 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life: the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoke to you are spirit and life”
- Most of the people in John 6 depend on the flesh and disagree with Jesus. Will we?
- Welcome to Paradox. We need the Holy Spirit
- We all don’t have to agree on everything
- Hard stuff can still be words of life.
- The bible our authority on God. Not
- What We Think
- What we feel like
- The Bible is not subject to the God you know
- Our internal philosophers must bow to the Bible
When Hearts are Exposed to the
- vs 41 The Jews Grumbled
- vs 52 The Jews tried to dispute Jesus words.
- vs 60 His disciples “This is a hard saying: who can listen to it?”
- vs 61 The disciples were grumbling.
- vs 66 Many disciples turned back and not longer walked with him.
The 12 Agree With Jesus
- Do you want to go away too?
- To who?
- “You have the words of eternal life and you are the Holy one of God“
- What you say goes! Say what you want Jesus. You are right and we will agree with you!
So What did Jesus Say?
Vs 24: Jesus did not Honor Their Seeking of Him
- They zealously went after Jesus.
- Traveled land and see to get to him.
- The disciples see him walk on water
- These 20k have to find this Jesus!
- They seek him out.
Vs 25-29 Jesus Response
- vs 26 “All you want is bread” “Your not seeking me rightly”
- Jesus exposes the motives of the people.
- Do they love Jesus? Or do they love what they want Jesus to be for them?
- Vs 28 Okay so what do we do Jesus? What works?
- Believe in Jesus. That is the work God would have you do.
- vs 30: “For us to believe, do more work” It’s never enough
Vs 34-36 “I am the Bread”
- Come to me: I satisfy. I am better than physical bread and drink! I am the point!
- Whoever believes!
- The Problem: They Don’t Believe!
- How will anyone believe then?
Vs 37-45 Whoever Comes to Jesus Does so Because the Father
- vs 37 Every person the Father gave to the Son comes to the son.
- vs 37 Whoever comes will never be cast out.
- vs 41 The flesh can not believe that Jesus was the bread of heaven. They knew Joseph and Mary.
- vs 44 No one has the ability to come to God. God has to come to us.
- vs 45 Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to the Son.
- All the people the Father Gives the Son Comes to the Son.
- Whoever/Anyone who looks and believes will have eternal life.
- No one can (Has the ability to) believe. But people are held responsible for not.
- If you believe, then God deserves all glory. The Father gave you to the Son and therefore you believed!
- God gets 100% credit & glory for my belief.
- Humans are 100% to blame for disbelief.
- Hu? Spurgeon “All glory to God in salvation: All blame to men in damnation.” Jacob and Esau
Vs 46-59 Human’s Can’t Eat Jesus and Eats the Word of Life
- Vs 48 “I am the bread
- Vs 52 Jesus you are not “The bread who came down from heaven.”
- “Whoever Eats and Drinks of Jesus will have eternal life”
- How can we eat your flesh Jesus and drink your blood?
- We can’t eat you flesh and dring your blood!
- Jesus makes it impossible to follow him by fleshly wisdom
Vs 60-65 To Believe in Jesus mean God gets ALLLL the Glory.
- “This is hard” Many Disciples said this!
- “Does this offend you?” Jesus knew they would not like this!
- vs 63 Only those of the Spirit can receive this.
- The flesh is of no help at all. You are not a Christian because of you!
- No one comes unless granted by the Father.
- Ralph Brandon “Walk through the door that says “Whoever will” and see the other side that says “You did not choose me but I chose you””
Vs 66-71 So Do You want to Leave as Well?
- No Jesus. What you say goes. You are right.
- Where we going to go? We know who you are!
True Disciples Agree with Jesus
- vs 68 “You have the words of life” “We have Believed” “You are the Holy One of God”
- Vs 29 “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he sent.”
- If you believe, that is the work of God.
- To make God conform to their image most Christians have a theology that lets God get most of the credit but not 100% credit for their salvation.
- This morning, step into the wonder of “All of Grace”
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