John 5:30-49
Jesus vs Religion
Intro: Jesus the Broken Record
- What gets Jesus angry? What is Jesus continually deconstructing?
- Jesus fights false peace to usher in true peace.
- Jesus keeps fighting against external so called holiness.
- Religion is about what I do for God.
Vs 30-31 Jesus and Logic
- Don’t listen to someone who can’t back it up.
- Jesus does not simply expect us to “Take his word for it”.
- Jesus gives reasons and authenticating actions to back up his claims.
- Don’t listen to the person who’s highest appeal is “This is what I think” or “This is what I feel.”
Vs 32-37a Three Witnesses
- Witness 1: John
- Jesus appeals to John so that maybe they will receive his testimony.
- To be saved “Things must be said”.
- To save people Jesus will offend people.
- Witness 2: The Works
- The miracles themselves back up Jesus word as a witness.
- Witness 3: God the Father
- The Father is a witness by giving the Son works to do.
Because this is true. All Jesus says and does is right.
- If Jesus words offend you, you are wrong.
- If Jesus actions offend you, you are wrong.
- Jesus exposes religious people and systems as frauds.
- Jesus is taking down “the Matrix”
- Jesus verses “Tradition” “The way things are” “The norm” “The status quo”
- Jesus just go with the flow
- Don’t rock the boat.
- Just let them be!
Jesus in Loving Attack
Vs 37-38 The Religious Don’t Know God or His Word
- The Jews don’t have the word abiding in them?
- If anyone does it’s the Jews.
- Memorized, laws, service, doing things for God, Religious
- Jesus says they don’t know God, because they don’t believe in Him
Vs 39-40 Religious People Misuse the Bible
- They thought the bible was about how they could get themselves to God.
- I know the bible so I know God! Jesus said “No you don’t”
- Jesus says the bible is about Him.
- To understand the scriptures rightly is to understand they are about what God has done for us in Christ.
- This is a book about Jesus.
- There are still millions who refuse to come to Jesus. Even within the church…..
Vs 41-44 Four Thoughts
- 1)Jesus glory does not depend on people. He is secure enough to be rejected by religious fonnies.
- 2)Jesus tells religious people “You do not love God”
- 3)Religious People receive false teaching and false prophets but not Jesus.
- 4)Religious people seek Glory from people and not God! They live for the praise of men.
- Jesus exposes the Religious
Vs 45-47 The Sad State of the Religious
- Trusting in Rat Poised
- As delusional as Haman
- Esther 6:6-11 (Fantasy World)
- They thought the law would save them. Jesus says the law accuses them.
- Moses was in fact writing of Jesus.
- Creation, Fall, Redemption stories, Sacrifices, laws, festivals. All point to Jesus.
- The law exposes us and drives us to Jesus.
So Jesus says to The Religious People.
- You have never heard from God.
- You do not know the word.
- You do not love God.
- You listen and receive false teaching and teachers.
- You live for and love getting glory from people more than God.
- And Religious people disagreed with Jesus. They were offended and refused to believe in him.
To this day Religious people prefer their own work for God over the Work of Jesus.
Jesus says these things that you may be saved!
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