John 7:53-8:11
No Condemnation
Intro: Pharisaical Jealousy
- vs 6 Trying to trick Jesus so they can have a charge against him.
- They don’t care about truth, they just want to maintain authority over Jesus.
- They literally try to trick Jesus.
- How? Through public shaming and exposing of a womans sin.
- Notice the extent they will go.
Vs 53-6: The Attempted Set Up (The Trap)
- Interrupted the teaching.
- Got a woman caught in sin.
- Appeal to Moses.
- Jesus will you agree with Moses? Or do you have the audacity to go against the word!
Notice the Treatment of the Woman.
- They publicly shame her to feed their need to trap Jesus.
- Their heart wants authority over Jesus so much that they throw this woman under the buss.
- In front of them all. Here she stands exposed. She has sinned. These men want the crowds to know.
Vs 6-11: (1)The Love of Jesus (2) The Brilliance of Jesus.
1) Jesus loves the woman. Jesus covers her shame.
- Jesus takes the focus off the woman.
- Jesus literally diverts the shame that is coming to the woman.
- Writes in the dirt.
- Jesus cares about this woman more than religious shananagens.
2) Jesus is Brilliant
- Jesus knows the Scribes and Phar are wrong about Moses.
- Lev 20:10 Adultery. Death, but not by stoning.
- Jesus exposes their sin and fear. (To cast the stone means to go against Roman authority.)
- Jesus calls them to introspection. They were quicker to sin the sins of others than they were their own sin.
- Jesus exposed the Scribes and Phar as men who did not really care about the Sciptures or this woman. They were men who wanted to maintain their “Spiritual Authority” over Jesus in the court of public opinion.
Vs 10-11 Jesus Knows our Sin. Died for Us Anyways!
- Jesus sent all accusers away.
- I do not condemn you. “Proper Order, Religion vs Christianity”
- Go and sin no more.
- Our hope is in “Neither do I condemn you” not in “Sin no more”
- No condemnation comes before transformation.
- “No condemnation” continues even when we sin.
Paul in Romans 7:21-8:4: Like the Woman, Pastor Paul, You
- No condemnation comforted and fueled Paul.
- No condemnation comforts and fuels us.
- So stop sinning. Grow up. Stop being baby Christians. Stop being so self centered.
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