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John 4:1-45
“Jesus and the Woman at the Well”
Intro: Is Anyone To Far To Be Saved?
- Some believe God shakes in his boots when they come around.
- God is not scared of you. He knows more than what other people know of you.
- Some Christians believe that there are some groups that are too far.
Vs 1-6 The Sovereign Mission
- Vs 4 He Had To pass.
- Vs 8 Jesus sends All the disciples away. “For food”
- Vs 32-34 This is a set up
- Other routes. The strict Jews would by-pass Samaria
- Jesus to Sychar and to Galilee and then right back to Jerusalem
Vs 7-9 The Unlikely Target
- The Woman came at noon.
- Nic was a rich Jews, high class, sought Jesus out, Jewish religious leader, humble, a man. He needed Jesus
- The Woman at the well, Samaritan, low class, immoral, a woman.
- Talking with her hurts Jesus reputation.
- If Jesus talks with her, he is breaking cultural rules like crazy!
- The religious “Bad company corrupts good morals Jesus! You know what she has done, what she is doing, who she is?”
- “Yeah that’s why I am not hanging with you!”
- Jesus talks to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vs 10-12 Jesus Uses External and Temporal to Point to Internal and Eternal.
- Just like with Nic. Jesus confuses this lady.
- What are you talking about Sir??
Vs 13-14 The All-Satisfying Jesus
- If you drink of me. You will never thirst.
- I satisfy you. Forever.
- In Jesus you have an endless supply of satisfaction.
- He satisfies all your thirsts and makes you thirsty for more.
- Jer 2:13 “For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.”
- “God does not satisfy us. We will go on a search for what does!”
Vs 15-18 Confusion to Reality
- vs 15 Like Nic, she still is thinking physical. She has no clue.
- Jesus exposes her “Broken Cisterns”.
- Jesus confronts this woman with her sin.
- Jesus shows her her insanity.
- Jesus knows everything about this woman and He is not scared!
- 5 Husbands
- Live in Boyfriend
- Social outcast!
- Here is a man who fully knows her and will never mistreat her.
Vs 19-25 Place or Person? External or Internal?
- This is not about place! This mountian or that.
- This is not about external.
- God is looking for those who will worship is spirit and truth.
- Spirit: “Supernatural” not physical place
- Truth: Will worship Jesus for who he is. Not who we want him to be.
Vs 26 Jesus is The Messiah
- Jesus reveals himself as the Messiah to this woman first!
- This changes everything for her.
- In Spite of who she is and what she has done. In spite of her lack of understanding. Jesus shows her who He is!
Vs 27-42: A Transformed Woman
- Disciples are shocked!
- Vs 28 She left the very thing she came for. Went back into town with something else.
- Vs 29 Come to a man that told me my sin! Can this be?
- Imperfect evangelism.
- Vs 39 Effective evangelism.
- Jesus work transformed this woman. The people listened to the “Whore” of Sychar What Now
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