If you missed this Sunday you can listen to the sermon at christiancovenantfellowship.com
John 1:1-18
“The Word”
Intro: Evangelism and Theology
Lightbulb moment this week. Doctrine=Legalism Matt 15:9 Teaching as doctrines the cofm
Evangelism requires Theology
John starts in the Beginning
Vs 1-3:The Word and His Power
1) The Word was In the beginning “vs 3 Before anything was created”
“Jesus a man born in their lifetime”
2) The Word was with God
3) The Word was God
The Clarity and the Mystery of The Godhead: You can’t figure this out.
Evangelism and Mind Bending Truths!
Everything that is, is because of Jesus.
Vs 4-5: The Pinnacle of Creation is Dependent
Jesus has life: Jesus is the light of men: Man has no light or life apart from Jesus.
Man has darkness but cannot overtake the light of Jesus. Vs 6-8: John The Baptist Introduced: More Jesus, Less Me!
This Glories Word deserves a Witness!
John the Baptist is all about Jesus not about himself!
We are witness of Jesus.
Vs 9-11 What has the world done with Jesus Light?
Even spiritually dead sinners have light
General revelation: 1) Moral Law 2) Otherworldly Desires.
The world did not know Jesus.
The Jews did not know Jesus.
Jn 3:19 “And this is the judgement:the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil.”
Even post Gen 3: God has graciously given humanity a sense of right and wrong. And yet, Christ was rejected.
The Whole of Humanity has made their decision and are DEAD. “We don’t want Jesus”
Vs 12: But….. God is More gracious still!
Out of the group who won’t believe, there are people who believe?
But to all who did receive, and believe
They have the rights to become Children of God.
Everyone needs to hear this. Receive and Believe in Jesus!
After we believe we need to know “HOW WE BELIEVED”
Vs 13: Being Born Again (Regenerated) Born Again/Faith or Faith/Born Again?
Not of Blood: Bloodlines: Jewish People: Family Heritage:
Not by the will of the flesh: Human will make me believe. (False Belief)
Not through man husband (Authorities): Human institutions can’t force you to believe. You cannot be forced to have faith!
But of God. This is Grace. God gives! God saves!
1 Pet 1:3 Eph 2:8-9 Only God can make people be born again.
The faith to believe is a gift of God comes from God not man.
Spurgeon Quote: This is the Grace of God. He saves us!
Vs 14-15: God came! Word became Flesh “God/Man” Hypostatic Union
Why did God come?
Because He is full of Grace and Truth.
Jesus comes to justice and save sinners.
Vs 16-18: Grace Upon Grace: The Window of God
– The more you know Jesus, the more you know of Grace.
– Jesus is the Exegesis of God. Jesus shows us what God is like!
Summary: The Word is
Light/Life Giver
Worthy of our Witness
To be received and Believed in
Savior of Sinners
Full of Grace and Truth
We Receive Grace upon Grace
2 Pet 3:18 “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.
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