Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Vanity Under the Sun
I got 1 week a month. Preach through a book.
Eccl Will Address?
- Young, old, rich, poor, smart, funny, workaholic, power hungry, and the religious.
- The Christian and the Non Christian
Vs 1-3 Intro: What is Message of Ecclesiastes?
- Solomon the Preacher (Qoheleth) will teach us.
- Vanity- Mist, Breath. All is vanity. 29 verses have this word.
- All of what? All Under the Sun.
Solomon’s Credentials and Project
- Learn from this Wise Old Man. God gave him wisdom.
- Wisdom, Slapstick Stupidity, Self Indulgence (Sex, Drugs, Whatever), Hard Work, Philosophy, Religion, Power, Wealth, Honor, Family, Love.
- Temporary things cant withstand being treated as Eternally status
- Endless resources to try everything to the max!
- Matthew Henry Quote
- Is there anything under the sun that is of eternal value?
Examples of Vanity
Vs 4 You Will Die
- Brevity of Life. You used to be young!
- Every older person says “Life goes fast”
Vs 5-7 Monotony of the Human Experience
- The Sun, Wind, and Streams all move but get nowhere.
- The story of life apart from God.
- Temporary things all give temporary results.
- You are always back in the same spot!
- When what you using (Family, Friends, Sports, Money) fails you, you blame them!
- Look at everything that has failed to captivate you.
Vs 8 It’s Just all so Tiring. Even good things.
- You are tired.
- Cannot Utter?
- You know something is missing you just can’t explain it!
- What are you living for?
Vs 9-10 Nothing New Under the Sun
- Ipads are made by by technological entrepreneurs.
- Always been innovators, business people.
- But I’m original!
- There are 50 people in your school that say the same thing!
- History is full of idolization of temporary things. They have all failed!
Vs 11 What did you get for Christmas last year?
- Things are forgotten
- People are forgotten
- What was your great great grandfathers name?
- What was his laugh like?
Tullian Tavidchian says “The answer to Ecclesiastes is outside of Ecclesiastes”
What is beyond the Sun?
Jn 6:32-35 Jesus Satisfies
- Nothing in this world can take away your guilt.
- Nothing in this world can satisfy your deepest longings for life.
- You are crushing the people you love the most because you think they are the point!
Brothers and Sisters. We often turn blessings into idols. When we live as if the things of this world are what is most important to us we are showing the world Jesus must not be that important. Good
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