I really enjoy reading. According to the Tim Challies reading scale, I am a almost a Committed Reader. When I first started consistently reading, the Kindle and iPad, were not around. My buddy Logan gave me a Kindle 2 as a wedding gift when Jordan and I got married in 2010. I fell in love with that Kindle. My love affair with technology proved to be short lived. July 4th, 2014 changed everything. My son Ransom was born. I decided to switch back to real books. The idea was this. When I get older, I want to be able to give real books to my son. Now I realize; it is entirely possible that Ransom or one of our other future children (God Willing) would rather sell my books at a yard sell over taking them home. However, I have a plan. If my kids don’t want my books, then I will give them to a young pastor that I am mentoring at the time. My books will not go with me to the grave.
I say all of this because I want to give an aging pastor an opportunity. I am a young pastor, who is serving a church plant in Carbondale, Illinois called Christ Church . Pastor, do you have a lot of books? What are you going to do with all of them? Here is my offer. If you give them to me for free, I will pay for shipping and make you a promise. If God allows me to live a long life, I will pass along the books you give me, along with all that I attain over the years, to my children or some future young pastor that will appreciate them. If you don’t want to give them to me, then I am sure there is some young man out there who would love to have them. Find him, mentor him, and consider giving him your books. Those resources God has used to bless you and your congregation over the years, can be a blessing to countless more. Thanks for considering.
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