Lately i have wondered how it is that crapy books get such high reviews on Amazon. I feel like i have figured it out, so i am going to lay down a few thoughts and just hope they make sense.
Most people lie about how much they read. I have to admit that there are times i act like i have read a book cover to cover when in reality i have not. However, reading is something that i have to do (And Have Come to Love). It is next to impossible to be faithful to teaching the Bible and not be a reader. What i am saying is, that most people read very little. People who read very little are apt to only read the “Popular at the Time book” and think they have read the best book ever. Its funny how everyone has a book for me to read! Its not that “That” book is any good at all its just the only book that person has read cover to cover, so obviously its revolutionary.
To the person who only reads 1 or so books a year, make sure you don’t read horrible books! If it is a book that claims to have some “New” idea or concept when if comes to the Scriptures or Church, it probably is not a good book. If read only a little make sure what you read counts! I’m tired of people suggesting ridiculous and sucky books. If you want some suggestions send me a message ill give you some ideas of books that are good!
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