Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 The Heart
Intro: Overview of Last Two Sermons
- Solomon’s Reflects on His Project
- Put his whole heart into this.
- Is there anything of eternal value under the sun?
- Pleasure and Laughter
Vs 1-2: Solomon Tests His (Heart) with Pleasure and Laughter
- The heart is the center of a man. The will follows the heart.
- Lloyd-Jones
- Whatever He can do to laugh and feel good. He will do it.
- Vanity, What Use is it!
- 3 Stages or Phases
Vs 3: Parties and Laughter (Solomon’s Parties)
- The craziest party you have been to is like a family picnic.
- Gatsby’s parties are cute in comparison.
- 1 Kings 4:22-23 “Solomon’s provision for one day was thirty cors of flour and sixty cors of meal, ten fat oxen, and twenty pasture-fed cattle, a hundred sheep, besides deep, gazelles, roebucks and fattened foul.
- Had 12 Officers, 1 per month as his party planner. 12000 horseman
- Did whatever he wanted. Fatasy factory.
- Dragged shopping carts behind a truck when he was drunk and high!
- Laughed till he threw up type of stuff!
Vs 4-6: Pleasure of Hard Work (Solomon Got Responsible)
- The satisfaction of a job well done
- Solomon built/managed more than you.
- Great Works include
- 13 yrs on House
- 7 Years on the Temple
- 1 Chor 8 He built cities like Millo a defense city.
- Military Outposts
- Gardens/forests
- Pools to water the vineyards and trees.
Vs 7-8 The Pleasure of Leisure and Sex
- Solomon enjoyed what he worked for.
- He got all inclusive service. All you can eat.
- He did not have to mow his yard.
- Wealth. He had gold brought to him.
- 2 Cor 9:13-21
- He bought Jim Gaffagin, and U2
- Many Concubines.
- He had sex. A lot of it!
Vs 9-10a: He Did It Again. Tried it to the max!
- Whatever he wanted to do. He did it.
- Whatever his heart wanted. He got it.
Vs 10b: And He had Fun!
- We all have stories of remember fun times.
- This stuff? Fun!!!!!
- This is why so many stay under the sun.
- It satisfies just enough to not see past it.
Vs 11: Same Story as Wisdom and Knowledge
- After consideration?
- Vanity and Striving after the wind.
Where is Your Heart?
1. Indicators that Your Heart is Dead?
- You are satisfied with things under the sun.
- Your ambitions are Wealth, Power, Pleasure, Comfort.
- You believe God is supposed to give you your idols of wealth, power, pleasure, and comfort.
- You tell your family your workaholicism is for them.
- You always think you will “arrive” in a few years.
- Your motivation is fueled by expanding you and your purposes.
- C.S. Lewis from “The Weight of Glory”
2. The Christian is a Person Who’s Heart Has Been Changed
- 2 Cor 4:5-6
- We see that the best pleasures this world has to offer is a drop in a bucket compared to the ocean of joy and satisfaction found in Christ.
Two types of hearts. Dead hearts and alive hearts. A dead heart is going to always try to find satisfaction under the sun. You need a alive heart! An alive heart is only satisfied with the Glories of God seen in the face of Christ Jesus. 2 Cor 4:6
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