To my Pastor/Elder friends in churches that this may apply.
To my bothers and sisters in Christ who mistakenly expect wrong things from your pastor/elders.
To myself who needs to be reminded of this as a church member.
1 Tim 3:4-5 “He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?”
I have heard it said there is a danger of sacrificing your family on the alter of ministry. I have also heard it said that their is a danger of sacrificing your ministry on the alter of family. I believe 99 out of 100 pastors run the risk of the first more than the second. Consider this.
Generations ago misguided phrases like this one “Take care of the church and God will take care of your family” were actually popular. Evangelist would travel for months at a time away from their families doing “God’s work”. They somehow were revered for their commitment to God. Workaholic pastors were loved by their congregations because finally they found a man who would leave his own family to tend to the families of the church. Pastors were actually considered good pastors because they would run away from the cries of their own wife and children to wipe away the tears of the “more important” sheep. Churches would demand Pastors with families to be “tent makers” like Paul “a single man”. This passage in 1 Tim. sings a different tune.
Pastor: You are free to manage your home first. How will you care for the church if you don’t care for your family.
Church: Consider this, your pastors are not supposed to put you first, so don’t expect it.
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